We also got the nets ready for the strawberries as they are well on the way, it looks as though it is going to be a good crop, it is their second year in so I am looking forward to passing them onto my Mum for homemade Jam (she'll make a much better job of it than me & when you've tented fruit all year you've got to do it justice)!!
Also spotted some very small victoria plums coming along, this is a first, we inherited the tree & it was in a pot, we planted it in a sheltered spot & it seems to like it there so we are excited to see fruit, hope the birds don't get to them before us as there are not too many on there!
Now that we have broken the back of the allotment we are looking at tidying up areas which are not so urgent, there is quite a large area behind the shed which is full of rocks and a steep bank, I looked round there on sunday & thought it was looking rather lovely in its own way (apart from the masses of weeds)!
I am really not sure what to do round there, as quickly as I get rid of the nettles they are back again and I can't get a spade in as it is so rocky! At least the bluebells look lovely, just leave it I think!!!