1. Trug; noun; a basket usually made from wood, which is used in the garden for carrying flowers, veg, plants or tools. Origin of the word is from the late, middle English meaning basin, perhaps a dialect variant of ; trough.
We've managed to source some great looking vintage trugs of European & Japanese origin. One of their original uses was to measure out quantities of grain or rice but we've found they are perfect for carrying tools or plants around in the garden.
2. Riddle; noun; a sieve used to sift soil or compost. From the Old English word, hriddel, 'to sieve'.

Finding vintage riddles in good condition isn't easy because of the nature of their function (mucky old things)! We recently found a set of 3 which is something of a rarity. After a bit of loving care they came up a treat, (well 2 of them did)! The linseed oil really brings out the colour & texture of the old wood.
3. Mill Bobbin & Twine.. Bobbin: noun; a spool or reel on which thread or yarn is wound. From the old french word; bobine: A small instrument used in sewing & tapestry making.

Authentic Mill bobbins come in all different shapes & sizes, reflecting their various uses in the old wool & cotton mills of Northern England. We thought that these particular ones would be just the job for a garden line.

Or this one for a twine holder.
Stay tuned for more vintage ideas....