Friday 15 April 2011

At the allotment.........Sweet Pea!

Working full-time & running an allotment doesn't always go hand in hand  but as the nights are getting lighter now it has made such a difference. We have been making the most of the recent good weather  & have spent a few evenings down there, we managed to get the last bed in & our early spuds planted into it, no time to really tend the soil there, so we'll just have to see how they get on.
 I bought a zip up, 4 shelf, small 'green house' for the yard at home as we do not have a poly tunnel at the allotment (on the wish list) being based in the Northeast means we  have to wait that little bit longer for the soil to warm up, the little 'green house'  has been a great help in getting things started off, like the sweet peas pictured above, which we planted out on Sunday. Also got the red onions in, spring onions, beetroot, peas & parsnips, so a good day!
I have added a 'during' photograph of the allotment, as you can see from an earlier post the plot was in a sorry state, there are still a lot of jobs to do there, wouldn't mind a couple of salad planters building at the back, in front of the shed & the Holly bush creates a lot of shade & needs a 'trim' but that may have to wait as there is planting to be done!! The seats haven't been used much yet!

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